Flowjo purchase
Flowjo purchase

flowjo purchase

To purchase a yearly license of FlowJo please contact. If you used FCSExpress for your analysis – FCSExpress V. Some of the specific FCS recognizing programs are used for acquisition as well as for analysis. ITS Software Distribution provides a single, centralized point of contact to find and obtain software on campus. If you used Modfit software for your analysis – Modfit LT 5.0 (Verity Software House, Topsham, Maine). Your source for software at UNC-Chapel Hill. Ashland, OR: Becton, Dickinson and Company 2019.). If you used FlowJo for your analysis – FlowJo software (Version 10.2.

flowjo purchase

The Bio-Plex 3Dshould be cited as Bio-Plex (Bio-Rad, Inc., Hercules, California). If you used the Bio-Plex 3D, you used a technique called bead-based multiplexing. Furthermore, you should acknowledge the NIH grant # 1S10OD021719-01A1 which purchased this instrument. The ImageStream should be cited as ImageStream X MK II (Luminex Corporation, Seattle, Washington). If you used the ImageStream, you used a technique called imaging flow cytometry. The FACSAria Fusion should be cited as the FACSAria Fusion (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, California). The Software Store integrates with PantherExpress, the Universitys. The FACSMelody should be cited as the FACSMelody (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, California. University departments can purchase software through a convenient, easy-to-use online store. The S3 should be cited as S3 (Bio-Rad, Inc., Hercules, California). Its functions include management, display. Description: Software for single-cell flow cytometry analysis. If you have access to tablets or laptops during your session, students can work. Proper Citation: FlowJo (RRID:SCR008520). The presentation includes videos and additional information on the innovative technologies highlighted in the workshop, including BoxBay and DP World Cargospeed. The drain/fill feature includes a 4 drain at each end of the floor, 3 fill pipe to roof, 4 connection on front, 8 flanged front manifold connection with inside flange and 4 connection on roof. The MoFlo Astrios EQ should be cited as MoFlo Astrios EQ (Beckman Coulter, Hialeah, Florida). Download the workshop presentation with supporting teacher guidance to run FlowLab in your class. V-Bottom Frac Trailers With Smooth Walls: These mud tanks feature a v-bottom with integral formed side channels for easy draining. If you used the MoFlo Astrios EQ, the FACSMelody, The FACSAria Fusion or the S3, you used a technique called flow sorting. The Aurora should be cited as (Aurora, Cytek Biosciences, Bethesda, MD) If you used the Cytek Aurora, you used a technique called Spectral Flow. The Agilent Quanteon should be cited as (NovoCyte Quanteon, Agilent Technologies Inc., USA). If you used the CytoFLEX or the Quanteon, you used a technique called flow analysis The CytoFLEX should be cited as CytoFLEX S (Beckman Coulter, Hialeah, Florida). Dongles A USB based serial number that can be plugged into the USB port of. The institution gets a collective license that is managed by a local site administrator. FlowJo Licensing Server (FLS) An option for institutions with multiple users. How to properly acknowledge the resources in the CTEGD Cytometry Shared Resource Lab There are three options for licensing Site Licenses, Dongles, or Permanent Serial Numbers.

Flowjo purchase