Army basic training wake up time
Army basic training wake up time

army basic training wake up time

This process looks like this: the drill instructor names a piece of clothing, say trousers, and all the recruits get that item and bring it on line. You are about to get dressed "by the numbers." This process was the single most frustrating part of boot camp for me, since it was so tedious and you would inevitably end up with a sock inside out all day.

army basic training wake up time

However long it takes you to get dressed in the morning, it takes longer now. You do this counting process until you get it right. This counting process takes forever in the first few weeks, as recruits mess up by shouting the wrong number, pausing too long, or skipping over somebody. You have to yell your number and snap your arm back down at lightning speed. The drill instructor runs down the line of recruits, around 25 on the left, and then back down the right, 25 there too. You will spend a lot of time here on line, so get used to it. The recruits are standing "on line," meaning standing in front of their beds, called "racks," at attention, awaiting instruction. They have to make sure nobody took off in the middle of the night, even if firewatch is there to make sure this doesn't happen. Every time your platoon goes anywhere, you are counted.

army basic training wake up time

You better be ready, because the count starts immediately. There's no time for stretches or yawns, you get up and stand on line and stick your hand out. A drill instructor storms through the squad bay as recruits stand "on line."

Army basic training wake up time